Behold the wonder of moving. Everything that I forgot I have or have recieved has multiplied like bunnies in the three years it's habbitated at the current Casa Del la Krings.
I am spending my weekend purgeing the deep corners of all our closets. Thus far I have produced four large bags for donations all from my closet. Mattilla has already purged his wardrobe- which led to about two to three large bags. I have gone through the edible products in our pantry and donated a box of items to the food collection at the church. I'm a little scared to take on the hallway coat closet, and the rest of the pantry. Partially because I know what they hold, and partially beause even opening the doors or shifting objects in said spaces is taking ones life into their own hands.

We close on the condo on Thursday. We're getting the floors done the following week. Which will give us a weekend to paint, if I could decide what color to paint anything. Un-like my fav traveling salesman I have NO idea what to paint the majority of the rooms. I may have the bathroom and the bedroom figured out, which fortunately for me, is where most of my time at home is spent. I'm not feeling like it's a huge rush to decide paint colors, but I will be the first to admit the artist in me has way too much fun looking at the pretty colors, to bother imagining what they would look like in a room in varrious types of light with all our crap in it.
Manual labor requests are being made now for help painting, packing, and moving. Shoot Mattilla or I an e-mail for details. Food and adult beverages will always be provided.