Wednesday, April 4

Office Space

The highlight of my workday consisted of a co-working thanking me for stealing his red Swingline stapler.


Laura said...

At least they were polite about it... right? Next time, just start growling at him. Or just tell him to pee on his property and you won't go near it with a 10 foot pole. Promise.

How are the new digs?

the muse said...

And here I thought you were taking the stapler into protective custody! Isn't it funny how office workers get so possessive of their stuff?

Meg said...

okay ladies-- to really get this you need to see the movie Office Space.

amber said...

hilarious movie... seriously - rent it!

the muse said...

You know, it's been on my list of movies to rent for YEARS now... just haven't been home enough to bother renting a movie these days... oh well...

Unknown said...

Here is a little to refresh remind and relate.

Missy said...

Don't we all have something more productiveto do than sit around discussing movies in a blog?

Oh wait, now I'm foing it too, Oh for the love of Mike I'V BEEN INFECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!