Wednesday, August 8

Toothless Wonder

Yesterday I got an e-mail laced with hints of juicy family gossip from Mom (she is sooo bad). Of course, I had to call (I couldn't resist), and I was surprised to hear the syrupy sweet Southern seven-year-old drawl of my niece.

"Aunt Meg! I lost my top tooth!" proclaimed the toothless wonder. She rattled on about all the teeth she has lost, how she will need dentures soon, how she just called Mommy so the Tooth Fairy would be ready, then fun she's had at Grandma’s house, then she filled me in about the play that she was in several weeks ago. This toothless wonder is always filled with enthusiasm, excitement, and it's often difficult to get a word in edge wise.

Now, I'm far from the best Aunt in the world, and I don't call or visit as often as I should- but being able catch the excitement of 'The toothless wonder' really made my day.

Nothing much to report this week, the hubby is at camp. I'm sans car for the week which is fine, but getting to all the training locations is much more difficult (that is when I decide to try and swim in a pool, or have to make it to a group swim downtown). We have less than 20 days until the Tri (and about $350 more to raise-- thanks for your help)! I'm only mildly scared- we'll see how it goes.

Mostly, I'm aware that the Tri is the last weekend in August, and the end of summer (BOO HISS!). While I've been able to spend a lot of time out doors, and enjoy the longer days- I am trying to get myself mentally prepared for the fall. After an entire year of job hunting, I may throw in the towel. Last week I was approached to help lead a team in doing a read for the Reading Department. It’ll secure my position until at least January, and if all goes well there is a possibility of getting hired on.


amber said...

R is soooo cute! I can just hear her :)

Ugh - sorry about the job hunt exhaustion... what does the Reading Department entail?

Laura said...

How fun! Does she still apologize for having a Yankee mama? Isn't it fun to be the auntie and get all the good stuff and then send them home when they are cranky/tired/hungry/any of the above?