Tuesday, February 26

Wanna Join me

Okay Folks. It's February - almost March. I don't know about you but I'm really looking forward to the Spring time thaw. Thawing means that I can get off a treadmill and out of the gym! WHOOO HOO. So with the hopes of getting some running buddies, and for something to keep me motivated until the thaw arrives, the following is a list of sporting events I'm thinking about, or have signed up to do this summer. PLEASE JOIN ME!


Multi Sport
    Well that's my spring/summer list for now. I feel better just looking at it, sigh. I may not do all of these, but then again, I may do them all - plus events I haven't included yet. We will see as the summer progresses.

    I just noticed that the first event isn't until the very end of April-which means that everyone has time to start training. You have plenty of notice.

    Wednesday, February 6

    Yes we can

    Yesterday was Super Tuesday. For the first time I voted in a primary. I don't think I cared a much about politics during the primaries. The candidates all seemed the same- and I would wait for the presidential election to cast my ballot. I've been an issue voter- but this time I have two candidates to pick from who are very similar on the issues that I care about.

    All the talking heads on TV have been predicting that women will vote for one candidate, and that blacks will vote for the other. It's never that simple. I love that the candidates look different than past presidents, but is not why I am casting a ballot for either of them. I appreciate that the candidates bring with them the experience of not being white, or not being male. Perhaps there will be subtle changes in the way the media handles gender and race. (Although, as a feminist I will comment that they have been much more sensitive to race issues than gender issues.) I want both canidates in the White House. I want them to share the democratic nomination - until yesterday morning I was torn on who I wanted to have top billing.

    I voted for the candidate who I believe has the potential to take our country in a positive direction, and to steer us away from the two America's politics that have plagued my perspective of the country and the people within it. (red/blue, rich/poor, war/ anti war, choice/life, gay rights / 'family values,' etc . . ) I hope that I've gotten over the dirty politics, and election fraud that lost the Democrats the last two elections. I hope that I am now able to see my friends for who they are, not for their politics. So this time, I'm voting for the one person who may be able to unify those rifts.

    (you need to check that link out!)