Wednesday, February 8

more of the same.

I visited the oncologist today, and he said nothing that surprized me. The CT scan I did last week shows that the lympnodes in my chest are still enlarged, but may or may not be active cancer. So I'm out of treatment for the month of Feb, I'll be having a PET scan at the end of the month, which will give the docs a better idea of how much of the yucky stuff is still remaining and how much more treatment I'll need.

For now I know starting in March I'll be marching back to chemo for at least two more rounds, and the jury is still out on radiation.


Laura said...

This is good... right? No chemo for a month! Yeah! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your PET scan. Take care babe and stay warm!

the muse said...

Wow, no chemo for a whole month? That's got to be a nice break for you. I'll be praying the PET scan comes out good. Hang in there kid!

amber said...

happy thoughts, happy thoughts
good vibrations
prayers for NO radiation!

can't wait to see you next month!

Heather said...

Meg, I don't say it enough: I'm so proud of you.

I'm glad you're getting some time to rest your weary and overmedicated body. =)

Anonymous said...

Meg...You've been through a lot and have a great spirit in spite of your difficulities You're a great role model. Keeping you in my thoughts.