Tuesday, October 23


I had a wonderful run in Iowa with Andrew this weekend. Scenic and rolling landscapes welcomed us- as we hoofed through beautiful neighborhoods, and their lovely running paths. Paths took us by streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes-- as this watery portion of the run was also in the last half of the course- I lasted FOREVER! We had a lovely cool day, and Des Moines is far lovelyier that I imagined.

On a similar note, I am attempting to eat my last cookie for the next 11 days. For my sanity and love of cookies I will qualify that statement by saying any ohey goody cookie type substance that is over 100 calories shouldn't cross my lips until I cross the NYC marathon finish line. An eleven day cookie fast, shouldn't be soo bad. All these refined sugars really slow me down when I run- so here's to a better race. Wish me luck.

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