Sunday, November 11

Mile 16 & The Queensboro Bridge


This is the start of the bridge- we ran through it, which was dark, cold, and errie. One can sorta see the 15 mile marker ahead.


A view of Manhattan from the bridge.

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Mile 16! So what does Manhattan look like? How about the Bronx? Or even photos of the remaining 10.2 miles- sorry ran out of film - I'll have to do this again to show you the finish line (or you could join me!)

Soundtrack for this race was provided by Andrew's iPod, seeing as I never actually put any music on Matt's podcast full nano. Thanks Andrew- but Mmm bop! really?

Thank you Toyota for Such a great experience! Also, they aren't pictured but thanks to all my Team Toyota friends for making this such a great event. I ran with Amy for a while before the 13.1 marker, and by mile twenty I found Denis and we finished the race together! There is a special place in my heart for the people who help drag my butt across the finish line, Thank you!

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