Wednesday, November 16

5.5 x's 2 cm's

5.5 x 2 c.m is the size of the tumor in my chest.

It's still there. When found it was 7 x 3.5 c.m.s. So chemo is working.

But I'm not done. after today's appointment, it's a wait and see position. I'm at least having all 6 rounds now (hello february). Just for kicks, Dr. Chen actually mentioned maybe having to do 8.

I'll do another round of chemo. have a cat scan. then depending on how much the tumor decreases in size will determine if I'll have (gulp) radiation.

Possible game plans after the fourth round:

if the tumor stubornly fails to shrink-- more chemo + radiation.
If the tumor is gone -- two more treatments.
If the tumor is there but has deminished in size-- will go 8 rounds.

keep in mind these are doctors, and they could change there mind again.

in the mean time, it's a cold and blustery day in chicago-- good for sulking.