Saturday, May 27

Summer's here and the time is right!

Counting My Blessings
  • I haven't had to go to the hospital in a week!
  • My eyebrows have returned to their proper locations
  • I no longer have to wear a hat to leave the house (although I do occassionally choose to wear some of the really cute ones I've recieved).
  • My ability to swallow has returned.
The offical training for the marathon started two weeks ago. About the same time I stopped the steroiods. So I'm jsut begining to fathom what I've signed myself up for. I ran/walked 4 miles this morning, and while it took me a while to ease into it by the end I felt great. Body parts are aching, and I'm getting a start on my summer tanlines (look out bridesmaid dresses!).

Summer classes start next week, and who could forget the migration of Andrew (with STELLA) to a mere 3 ish blocks away! I need to mention that he has a steal of an apartment, and will be very lovely.


Heather said...

Hurray for eyebrows!

Missy said...

FOUR MILES!! Oh for the love of Mike, I can't even drive 4 miles without panting. I am totallyi n Aw of you and all your abilities.