Monday, November 27

quicky update

I never ever imagined I'd get paid to read. Second I never imagined I'd get paid to read text books. Is this what having a full ride scholarship feels like? I wonder. Well for now I'm just repeating my third grade math lessons as a temp. Yup, I'm schelping to the burbs as a temp to read text books. Not my dream job, but I know someone folks who might dig it. It's a gig for the moment, and I'm really polishing up on my math skills.

Thanksgiving was fun, Matt and I hauled our butts to Green Bay to give thanks for all the new little Krings-lings (seriously there were 3 folks under 18 mos present). After much eating and drinking we made it to Matt's folks house for a day of what in the third world would be called 'free labor.' The Pa-In Law put Matt, his bro, & his sis to work. New to the family Nora wisely stayed out of the way, I prepared my 'dirt farm / worms for winter. Poor Matt didn't even get a chance to shower-- As projects progressed and mid day came and passed Matt made a mad dash for the car, and we snuk away (I love family, but I really love being home directing the husbands energy to tasks around our house).

More updates to come. I'm hoping to land a real gig soon


Laura said...

This is perfect! You can figure out 3rd grade math and help me remember all that I have forgotten about it. And a job is a job. And it's beer money to boot. So have fun temping. OH! This is just a thought.... you could put subliminal messages in the text book and totally play with their little minds. How great is that? You should pay them for that.... or would that be going overboard? hmmm...

Anonymous said...

proof read proof read proof read

Meg said...

thanks Amber, Heather, or Mom-- I"m taking much more care with the gig than the blog, sorry for my sloth.

the muse said...

Hey Megs - too bad they aren't paying to read something a little more entertaining than third grade math. But at least it's a gig, and I'm glad to hear you've got one.

Hope all is going well and that you land a better gig soon!