Sunday, February 25

crazy little things

Oh beloved blog readers, I believe that I may have just written my final rent check! As far as things appear now (and they probably will change) but I looks like on the Ides of March Matt-illa the Hun and I may become property owners. Thus making March the last month of renting!

In sad news, the first Krings-mas was called off on account of poor weather. We were looking forward to seeing family, eating, drinking, and making merry. Weather forcasts predicted death if one were to go to Milwaukee and attempt to return to Chicago a mere six to eight hours later. So Matt-illa and I stayed home and celebrated Krings-mas alone. While we were very sad not to be spending Krings-mas with the fam but we sure did get a lot done around the house. Essentially the first day of Krings-mas gave us the gift of time: one more day to pack, clean, chill, and sell things on Craig's list (no takers on that crock pot yet, darn!).

(Just trying to keep the blog politically relevant and visually stunning)

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