Tuesday, February 13

crock pot anyone?

Just to keep things similar in the blog-mosphere, Matt & I had our offer accepted for a nifty little condo in Evanston (photos to follow)! The entire decision to buy has been such an ordeal. Our saintly mortgage broker, Jeff held our hand and found the right mortgage for us. We just have all the super fun stuff to do now like; inspections, closing on the 16th of March, two weeks to paint (Yeah! no more apartment white walls), refinish floors, pack up our stuff, and haul it about five miles north. I think a Craig's list 'garage sale' may transpire soon (football shaped crock pot anyone?)

Chicago land has officially become an Arctic tundra this month. After zero and sub zero temps last week, we've been treated to 20 degree to 30 degree highs with blowing snow and potential blizzard conditions (depending on the weather person). At least Matt's ski trip won't be canceled this weekend due to lack of snow and 50 degree temperatures (like the one he had booked for January).


the muse said...

Congrats on the condo Megs!! That's wonderful news!! Can't wait to see the photos.

amber said...

Congrats, Meg!

And where in the world did you get the football crock pot?

Meg said...

the football crockpot was a christmas gift from a couple years ago. I've tried to sell it on e-bay only to learn I was competeing with Wal-Mart. I'd give it away at this point.

amber said...

Well, if you find a taker, lemme know. My coworkers at the time when I got married gave me a football-shaped snack dish. It would match your crockpot perfectly :)

Laura said...

Yeah for you both! Think, you can change the wall colors, fix things up how you like them without fear of losing the almighty deposit and you can find all the crap that's been hiding from you for the last couple of years. How fun! I'm looking forward to the pictures of your new home.

Heather said...

I'm SO exicted for you, Meg! It's a huge step, but one that is so full of fun. Too bad you weren't moving later - I'd offer to come help paint. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to take time off until after April 17th - the official end of tax season. But, I'd love to come visit you in your NEW HOME in the summer! =)

jeanie said...

Meg, You blog site is very cool.
I am happy for you and Matt. Congratulations to you and Matt on the Condo. Continued blessing and best wishes to you in all you do.
Love and Paryers