Sunday, September 18

No News is Good News

My white blood cells were up again on Friday (ya! no more yucky mask for now). So I started my second round of chemo. The second round is infamous for making hair fall out.

For the occasion I decided to go for a new style. I'm now sporting a super short cut. I can easily say that my hair may have only been this short at birth (seeing as I was born bald). Fortunately there are no signs of weird birth marks or other odd deformities on my head.
Chemo was uneventful, except that I kicked Matt's butt at Scrabble. Luckily the game ended before the sedative kicked in, other wise my substantial lead could have been lost to inability to spell (and on a good day my spelling is only so so). It wasn't quite Candy Land, but it passed the time.

We've come a long way baby-- I've heard horror story after horror story of chemo patients five to ten years ago. They were tossing their cookies for days at a time and feeling horrible just up until the next treatment. That certainly is not my experience, as a testament to all those wonderful drugs they've developed, I really only feel crappy for a couple days (my energy may be sapped, but this certainly is not like a hangover at all). In fact after chemo this week, and a good long nap, Matt and I saw one of our favorite folk artist Peter Mulvey in concert. Now I slept most of Saturday, but I've nailed out about half a paper today (Sunday). While cancer does have it's fair share of bad days, there are just as many 'normal' ones too.


amber said...

You rock, Megan.
Keep taking good care of yourself. I can't wait to see your new do!

Laura said...

Yeah for the new 'do and for kickin'your honey's butt in Scrabble. How's is school going? I'm looking at the U. that is virtually next door to you for grad school. Wouldn't that just be nifty to be neighbors? Keep up the good work, babe - Kick butt and take names!

the muse said...

Megs, I'm glad to hear that things went well and - most importantly - you were able to kick Matt's butt at scrabble! Yay! =)

Hang in there and keep kicking cancer's ass!

Heather said...

Sorry I'm never there when you call, though I do have a good excuse this time: my phone died and I was in the mountains and could do nothing about it. It's fixed now.

I'm glad to hear that chemo is not treating you too terribly badly. Aren't you glad there are research scientists out there who actually enjoy figuring out ways to help people not be nauseous? Scarry thought.

I do have one complaint: wedding photos. Where are they? I need one or several of the best.

Oh, and just wait till I come up there again. I'll play Scrabble with you and give you some REAL competition.=)

Anonymous said...


You are in my thoughts and prayers, for sure. We miss you over here!! I hope you and Matt are doing well! would love to hear from you.