Sunday, September 11

No White Blood Cells & No Chemo

My weeks are no longer built around a weekend or a day off, rather around doctors appointments, hospital visits, and the news I receive from them. This last weeks doctor's appointments have led to various tests, and slowly became day long procedures. Every other Friday I go in for chemo, last Friday was supposed to be the day scheduled to start round two of chemo (two of six rounds). Yet my blood test determined that I did not have enough white blood cells for chemo. So Matt and I got a 'day off' from chemo.

There are all kinds of good and bad things about not receiving treatment. Good things would include; finally having the time and ability to make a trip to Milwaukee (Matt‘s mom got us a beautiful china cabinet! That we were finally able to pick up.), keeping my hair for another week (there is a consensus among doctors and patients that it's typically the second round of chemo that makes one's hair fall out), and feeling okay for another week. The bad thing about having a critical amount of white blood cells is that I'm venerable to catching infections. This means I am to avoid crowds and if in a crowd wear a mask (no movies, restaurants, church, public transit, or 'germ magnets' --kids) and no fresh food for me. I have the okay to go to class, PHEW!
If my white blood cells recover this week, and there is no reason why they shouldn't, this next Friday will be Chemo.

In other news, our mail box has been flooded with cards from all over the Mid-West. It's been great to hear from everyone in Des Plaines and elsewhere- Thank you.


the muse said...

Megs, that's a mixed blessing about no chemo. At least you will keep your hair longer, but at the same time, that's one week longer that you will have treatments. No fun! But at least you have your lovely new china cabinet to fill, and you can still go to class... and I get an extra week to finish your lovely hat that I'm crocheting. (I promise, I won't add doll hair to it!) Hang in there kid and keep kicking cancer's ass!


Meg said...

Update- as of Monday my cell counts are up and I can do chemo on Friday.

amber said...

I'm glad your cell counts are up. Cancer sucks - but you are doing great - one down, five more to go! Can't wait to see the China cabinet -- hopefully soon!

Laura said...

Hey, kiddo~ Hugs for chemo tomorrow. What will the game be this time? A travel-size Battleship is only good for two folks... glitch. Take care and be a little bad. ~Laura

the muse said...

Hey Megs, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as Mom and I have our 2nd annual yard sale. (woo-hoo) Hopefully I'll get some good blog stories out of it!

Let me know if I can do anything for you... and keep kicking cancer's ass!!
