Thursday, July 27

Fairwell Jane Addams

Last Thursday was my final grad school class! I’m done (well I’m waiting on my grades, but nearly certain that I’m done with school).  Why haven’t I blogged about this earlier? Well, I was putting off important work projects in order to complete the necessary homework to complete the classes I’ve been taking. While my under grad experience was NOTHING like graduate school, the experience was good nonetheless, and hopefully now I can command a greater salary when I start that job hunt.

I’m at my current placement until Oct 31. It’s an okay position, but most importantly it meets all my job requirements: 1. Don’t work with people I strongly dislike (at least no more than 3) 2. Not having to own a car (in fact tomorrow I’m going to ‘bike commute’ for the first time—I can’t wait, I’ve been waiting so long for the opportunity!) 3. Doing something that I believe in or betters the world I live in some small way.  If things work out so I can stay there longer, great. If not, that’s okay too- at least I know what’s important to me.

Otherwise I’m coping with a sudden sense of boredom that is somewhat panic free for the first time in nearly a year! What a rush!


Laura said...

Yeah for you! You can compost more, run more, visit with friends more and have more Megan time. Just more in life without school. Have fun with this extra time.

Heather said...

Congratulations! I know how much of a relief this is. Enjoy your new found freedom.

Anonymous said...

i'm so happy for you! welcome to life after grad school.

oh, and you gotta let me know when the news piece is, too.


the muse said...

Megs, congratulations on finishing school! I bet you feel like you have all sorts of extra time now. Hope you spend some of it doing fun stuff!

Had a great time with you on Saturday - I'm so glad you made it out to the 'burbs!!

Andrew said...

Trust me - there is life after studying-- you will be fine.
Come play with the dog and I!