Tuesday, July 18

news worthy

I'm a little floored. The local ABC news station is going to do a story on me. They approached Team In Training wanting to do a story on a cancer survivor who is training for the marathon. The folks at TNT threw out some names, thought of me, and then gave me a call.

I'm flattered to be news worthy, and excited to talk about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society-- also a little hesitant about being on TV. It's not the talking on TV that's the big deal but they want me to run. I know it's silly, but when I think about women who run on TV, I think of the intro to Bay Watch.


amber said...

Hey -- which friend has been telling you all along you were newsworthy, darling? Especially with GETTING YOUR MASTERS in a few weeks despite all of this?

Congrats :0) I'm excited for you. And please tape it so I can see it next time I'm in Chicagoland :0)

Heather said...

To avoid BayWatchisity, you have two options: really good sports bra or duck tape. Choose your restriction. =)

Congratulations, by the way!

the muse said...

Wow... my friend the celeb! Megs that is so awesome!! And what a great way to get the word out about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

I always knew you were amazing - now everyone will get to know it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, PTL for your health, keep on going. Your Mom's friend

Andrew said...

Wow- when does it air? If I out of town you must get in on tape so I can see it.

Laura said...

This is great promo time for the L&L Society - you're going to be a great spokeswoman! Also, double up on the sportsbras to keep from juggling (and this is will be easier to take off than duct tape). Have fun with this!!!