Tuesday, July 4

Still Crazy

Sorry for the delay's in posts. I really wanted to promote the party. Thanks to all who attended, together we raised $750! Good Job!

I had a strange realization a couple weeks ago that my life now has a renewed sense of freedom I haven't had in about a year. I don't have any doctor's appointments on the books until next month, and no tests planned between times. It's a relife but it's also odd. Do I really trust that my cells won't start going haywire again?

This last weekend was a blast! With the party on Friday, and all my immedate family in Chicago on Saturday, then tickets to see the AWESOME Paul Simon in Milwaukee-- Matt & I have neglected attending the proper 4th of July festivities in order to get some rest. (What's that? I have a grant for work, a paper for school, and about 8 miles of run / walking to fit into tomorrow- i guess today- plus a parade and pals!)

I know it's always something -- but these somethings still beat all the other somethings I've already endured.

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