Wednesday, July 18

Tri photos

Here are some long over due photos-- With the lack of photos on my blog I feel a little more like a Luddite.

So much for second thoughts, after last week's weekday swim in Lake Michigan, our weekend training required one open water swim for a mini tri, and a brick workout of swimming and biking. Because of our proximity to the lake we opted to do the brick outside on Sunday, and had what I would call an excitng swim without a lifeguard- but perhaps a little too exciting for Matt. It seams that if one wishes to swim in water that isn't knee high, the lifegaurds will haul ones butt back to shore. Other beach goers recomended a nice private beach where we could get a decent swim in. I loved it, but the whole idea of swimming in deep, open water without a guard alarmed Matt. (I am well versed in all the reasons not to swim alone- and there is no excuse-- but it was fun, and a good swim). So in one weekend I managed to spend more time swimming in Lake Michigan than I have in the entire six years I’ve lived in Chicago!


Meg said...

i know the photos are sideways- i'm still learning all these fancy tricks.

the muse said...

Love the photos - especially the one of you crossing the finish line! I'm proud of you!!