Sunday, October 5

New Blog, New location

Hey Readers!

I do realize this is a long over due post. I've decided to start a new blog at a new site. I've decided to try to do a blog about what I spend the weekend doing- eating, cooking, running, and vegging out: here's the new link!

Sunday, July 13

Kenosha Tri

Okay, so it was a race morning that I've only heard horror stories of. To start Friday night was stormy. It was so stormy and I was so keyed up that I barely slept. When I did finally find sleep I had a nightmare that I was late for the race- so late that the officials wouldn't let me in the event. Which shouldn't be such a big deal, but the entry fees for these races are not cheep, and almost never give refunds- So in my fitful sleep I was ANGRY.

Once our alarms rang and MK and I sprung out of bed, we didn't have much time to get ready - but it was still storming and down pouring outside. Slowly we get ready, and plot the driest way to load the car. When we finally get in the car, and are getting on the highway I ask my co-pilot what the time is. Soon my nightmare becomes reality. We have less than an hour to get to Wisconsin. Panic strikes, and I take the little Honda Civic to speeds it never should legally see. Lucky for me the highway was patrol car free - phew!~

Somehow, we make it to the race, and pick up our packets with a minute to spare. We find parking, and I get my bike to transtion as the Olympic distance racers are starting their swim. As I fought with my wet suit, I hoped that I'd just be able to blend in with the next wave of swimmers and catch up. Which is what happened.

Lake Michigan was the coldest I've ever felt it (perhaps all the rain?). Seriously, there was a man taken to the hospital after the swim because he was so cold. Eventually I relaxed into the swim, caught up with the rest of the Olympic distance triathlets and came in fifth overall in the swim (which is about a mile!). Then it was on to the bike. Now, because of my hurried arrival I didn't set all my stuff up exactly the way I wanted it but I was able to find my shoes, helmet, and gloves. Off I went, five laps on a park course filled with mud puddles. I dropped to seventh- but because this is a very small tri I held on to some delusions of grandure. Once I put on my running shoes all illusions fell away, and I was happy to be two thirds done. The remaining folks on the course passed me, and I looked forward to brunch afterwards. Maybe I lost focus, maybe I started to hard and faded at the end. One thing is for sure, I have some very healthy fear about the half Iron Man. In the end I was one of the last folks to cross the finish line, but Matt & the guy with the medals were waiting for me and Matt cheered loudly as a completed the race.

So here's the breakdown:

Swim (.9 mi) time: 45.46
Bike (25 mi) time: 1.29.22
Run (6.2 mi) time: 1.19.33
TOTAL : 3:41.34
Place in class: 4th of 4
Place in Olympic Distance Race 50 of 52

Lesson of this race?
Well, I need to respect the distance, and I need to pace myself. I always get in trouble for laying it on to thick at the start then not having enough juice left at the end of the race. Most importantly, I learned to NEVER EVER EVER plan to drive for over an hour to a race on race day.

I like these smaller races because I got to be 4th and 50th in the same race. It's also nice, because they still let us in the race, even though we arrived to the race a half hour after packet pickup ended, with only five minutes left to the race start.

Friday, July 11

summer time and the living is easy.

so it's been a while. sorry faithful blog readers. I've been indulging in reading lots of food and sports blogs at work, and have neglected writing my own posts.

Summer has blown by entirely too quickly! I managed to spend every weekend in June having some kind of Wisconsin adventure. A visiting high school friend of Matt's on leave from the Air Force for the weekend, a wedding, a bike ride, sand bagging flooded river banks (and visiting Adam's farm) kept me in Wisconsin almost every Saturday.

The weekend of July 4th Matt & I was a blast, and later deemed 'the best weekend ever!' Friday was a long bike ride, dinner with the Kings (it's a tradition now), followed by fireworks in the fancy North West Burbs. Saturday morning we visited the famed Evanston Farmers Market to load up on fresh bread, cheese, berries, and veggies for a picnic at Ravania (out door concert venue North of Chicago). Once we loaded up on our fill of picnic goods, we found a 50 Meter outdoor pool so we could get a swim workout in (and then play on their slides and high dive). That evening we joined forces with Matt's folks and good pal Stephanie for a live performance of Praire Home Companion. Jerry provided some fantastic wine, and Mother Nature provided a glorious evening to be outside- and some of the best strawberries I have ever eaten!

This weekend Matt & I are doing our first tri's of the season. Matt will be doing a sprint distance, and I'll be doing an Olympic at the Kenosha tri on Saturday. So far the weather is predicted to be stormy and humid- lets hope that it'll pass tonight, or it'll hold off until the afternoon.

Otherwise all is well. We've managed to only take on one home repair project so far- installing a ceiling fan to replace the gawd awful lighting fixture in our dinning room. It's been fantastic!

I'll post tri results Monday, and attempt to keep ya'all better updated on our happenings!

Monday, April 21

more press

I've gotten enough press now this is just embarrassing, but this article probably sums Matt & my journey the best.

Tuesday, April 1

It's April things should be green by now.

Posted by Picasa
a before and after of our kitchen. We painted, added a new back splash, and added some new lights to brighten it up even more!

Sunday, March 23

Happy Easter!

Christ is risen!

Last night hubby and I stopped in to a bookstore, where I started looking at training logs for athelets. I love the idea of these books, and when thumbing through I hope to find pearls of wisedom without having to buy the book. One such pearl said to always have two training goals, a speed or PR (personal record) goal, and an endurance goal. While I haven't ever aspired to be fast, I did know what I wanted my next big event to be.

So I bit the bullet tonight and I signed up for my next BIG event. I'll be doing the 'half-extreme' distance because there are copyright infringement rules about calling something a half ironman. Lucky for me it's not until September, because after the way I forked in all sorts of fatty and yummy foods this weekend I'll really be needing to work on the preserve your joints diet I was on.

Friday, March 21

spring cleaning?

So I googled spring cleaning today. Mainly because it's snowing in Chicago- I wanted to go for a long run on Saturday, but I don't want to be cold and wet. I was thinking that cleaning could count for decent exercise- but have you seen the lists some freaks have out there on what spring cleaning should include!?

Seriously, does anyone really do spring cleaning? Is it just some antiquated concept that my grandmother practiced, that no one does anymore, like darning socks?

Thursday, March 20

it's been a while

Hi There!
Work has slowed down.
I'm not training for any major event.
So I haven't had much to blog about lately.

The only thing that I'm working on right now is my recommitment to Weight Watchers. Yup, I re-enlisted. I feel good about my size and shape, but when I started kicking around ideas about what events I wanted to do this summer I realized that in order to be a faster runner, and if I was even going to play with the idea of doing a longer triathlon that I would need to take some impact of my joints (hello knees!). Blogging about my diet seems lame, but perhaps it'll keep me accountable. In the last five weeks I've lost 4.8 pounds, my target is just to take off 18.

For those familiar with the intricacies of WW, I’m doing the flex plan. Core is similar to how I want to eat when I'm not dieting, but the week I tried core I gained. I'm going to stick with the counting points and writing what I eat down until I get bored or weary.

Tuesday, February 26

Wanna Join me

Okay Folks. It's February - almost March. I don't know about you but I'm really looking forward to the Spring time thaw. Thawing means that I can get off a treadmill and out of the gym! WHOOO HOO. So with the hopes of getting some running buddies, and for something to keep me motivated until the thaw arrives, the following is a list of sporting events I'm thinking about, or have signed up to do this summer. PLEASE JOIN ME!


Multi Sport
    Well that's my spring/summer list for now. I feel better just looking at it, sigh. I may not do all of these, but then again, I may do them all - plus events I haven't included yet. We will see as the summer progresses.

    I just noticed that the first event isn't until the very end of April-which means that everyone has time to start training. You have plenty of notice.

    Wednesday, February 6

    Yes we can

    Yesterday was Super Tuesday. For the first time I voted in a primary. I don't think I cared a much about politics during the primaries. The candidates all seemed the same- and I would wait for the presidential election to cast my ballot. I've been an issue voter- but this time I have two candidates to pick from who are very similar on the issues that I care about.

    All the talking heads on TV have been predicting that women will vote for one candidate, and that blacks will vote for the other. It's never that simple. I love that the candidates look different than past presidents, but is not why I am casting a ballot for either of them. I appreciate that the candidates bring with them the experience of not being white, or not being male. Perhaps there will be subtle changes in the way the media handles gender and race. (Although, as a feminist I will comment that they have been much more sensitive to race issues than gender issues.) I want both canidates in the White House. I want them to share the democratic nomination - until yesterday morning I was torn on who I wanted to have top billing.

    I voted for the candidate who I believe has the potential to take our country in a positive direction, and to steer us away from the two America's politics that have plagued my perspective of the country and the people within it. (red/blue, rich/poor, war/ anti war, choice/life, gay rights / 'family values,' etc . . ) I hope that I've gotten over the dirty politics, and election fraud that lost the Democrats the last two elections. I hope that I am now able to see my friends for who they are, not for their politics. So this time, I'm voting for the one person who may be able to unify those rifts.

    (you need to check that link out!)

    Wednesday, January 16

    it's been a long time between posts. sorry.

    Holidays, cold. work, work, work, work, and more work.
    Here's the reason i blog today:
    I blog today to say that finally after 13 months of being a perma-temp I'll become a Term of Project employee for the same company! Whoo Hoo! All of my team is being hired on, and I'm now an associate editor.

    I think it finally became cheaper to hire us as salaried employees, than to keep us pay by the hour temps.