Thursday, July 14


The surgon finally returned from his extended vacation, and I recieved the lab results on the lymph node that was removed from my neck. I have Adult Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Also called Hodgkin's Disease). Which according to the E.R. doctor in Applaichia, is highly treatable and good if we catch this early. I've found the Lymphoma Information Network website to be quite helpful. ( ) it states:

"The fact is that lymphoma treatments have gotten quite good in the last 30 years with real treatment breakthroughs in the last 10 years (and in the case of some non-Hodgkin's lymphomas treatments that are just recently developed). So the operative words are "do not panic".

I am still uncertain about details concerning my prognosis, but those will come in time.

Thanks for everyones continued thoughts and prayers in what has been a rather long wait. Those good vibrations will definately be called upon in the future.

I'll continue to update everyone via the blogg with future news.

LOVE-- Meg


amber said...

I am so sorry to hear about your news. Know that I love you & am praying for you & am here if you need anything.

My mom had Hodgkins (she'll have been officially cured for 10 years this August), so if you need to talk to someone who's been through it, let me know and I'll get ya her contact info.

Wishing you peace,

Andrew said...

I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, especially right before your wedding.

Please know that I (and the rest of your family and friends) are here for you. Lean on me when you need something- if you need me to come up and help with anything - let me know.

I will continue to lift you up in my prayers daily-

I know it is tough to believe at times- but I think it is true-- With God, all things are possible.

Much love as always-