Saturday, July 9


Greetings All!

This is where I'll be updating all wedding / fun health information for everyone as things progress.

Thus far I have had a lymph node removed from my neck, as a response to Ursula ( the baseball sized lump, suspected lymph node above my heart). July 1st was the surgery, last night the 8th Matt and I had the 'best friday night ever' as the incision site swelled up to appear as if I was growing a second head. After 9 to 10 hours in the hospital, 6 doctors, and 2 nurses, I went home with nothing done. Yes, it appears as if I am indeed growing a second head it's name will be Peg. Actually their is just fluid collecting where the node was as a result of some poor stitching up from the surgon. The 6 doctors assured me that it is not infected, and that if my body doesn't absorb the fluid then they will drain it week of the wedding.

Other wise the pathology report has not returned and Ursula and my other possibly enlarged nodes have not been diagnoised.

Agian thanks for all prayers and good vibrations, they're the best!

Big LOVE- Megs


AnnaMarie said...

Hey, Meg! I don't know if you remember me- I haven't seen you in FOREVER! But, I want you to know that I KNOW you will make it through this, & I'm thinking of & praying for you!

Andrew said...

I think the creative names to your lymph nodes only reflects your positive outlook on life. I'm praying for you and that all will go smoothly (both health and wedding). Can't wait for the big day- it will be awesome.

amber said...

Hopefully both Ursula and Peg realize they're not invited to the wedding.

Hang in there, pal! And thanks for the updates!
