Thursday, October 20

Amusing little things

First of all try this- Go to Google type in 'failure' and then hit "I feel lucky." This alone was enough to make my day.

Second, I found this great website called

The following is a top ten list I pulled from their site for your enjoyment

Top 10 Ways to Disrupt the Waiting Room

1. Ask everyone around you to do things "stat".
2. Offer free prostate exams.
3. Ask everyone nervously whether they have a "spare catheter".
4. Pop a tape in the VCR of you in an avocado-eating contest.
5. Supplement bland waiting room periodicals with nurse-fetish pornography.
6. Give your best rendition of that dance-floor classic: The Naked Raptor.
7. Hold up sign that reads, "Free chemo in the parking lot".
8. Initiate spelling bee. Be unflinchingly cruel with errors.
9. Leaf through every magazine in the room, shake hands with everyone else and then say loudly, "Jesus, this flesh-eating scabies itches like a mother".
10. Repeatedly refer to the doctor you're waiting to see as "The Trembling Butcher".


amber said...

Hilarious! Mike & I are still laughing ;)

"Ha ha ha," he says.

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan, it's Abby Adams, one of your staffers from ASP. I hope you remember me. I just wanted to say that I've been praying for you and that I hope things are going all right for you. I'm going to need to catch up on all of your blogs, but i'd love to hear from you and Matt about how life's been!

My email is Hope to hear from you soon! God bless!

Abby Adams

Anonymous said...

Item number 11 - to get eveyone laughing you could wear one of the knitted hats your mom made for you.

Meg said...

in defense of my momma, i haven't even seen the hat's she knitted.