Wednesday, October 5

1/3 of the way!

Hey Gang!

I neglected my habit of blogging on Sundays to write a paper, that I still have yet to complete (it's due tomorrow).

Good news! I am 1/3 of the way through Chemo! Ed & Julie Turner joined us once again for chemo last Friday. I make a least four trips to the oncology department between treatments now, and even though I'm only coming in to get a shot it feels like I am waiting forever. But when friends come along time some kind of time warp ensues. Treatment last week flew by, we laughed and chatted with my roommate. (I'm beginning to realize that they give me one heck of a sedative before administering the BIG drugs). Matt & I are very very blessed to have the Turner's in our lives!

I spent a good chunk of the weekend napping or assisting in assembling a computer desk. As far as school I'm nearly mid-way through the semester so class work is picking up a bit. Classes are good this semester and are totally manageable.

Tomorrow I'm going in for all kinds of exciting tests to check on the status of my lymph nodes.

1 comment:

the muse said...

Hey Megs! HOORAY!! Glad to hear that you are 1/3 done with chemo. That's great news. Hope that tomorrow brings good news as well about your lymph nodes. Keep up the good work kicking cancer's ass!!

Love, Dawn