Wednesday, July 20

Last night my sister -in-law to be and I picked up my wedding dress! It's great! I am soo excited about this weekend. When I returned home from Annie and I's long day there was a pile of boxes stacked about 4 feet high. On top was a box that said "If this side is up, you are either under the box, or the bear inside the box is getting a headache." Tim & Jessica sent me the cutiest Vermont Teddy berry! Thanks~ The other boxes were filled with wedding gifts, it's begining to feel a lot like Christmas at our house.

Hurricane Emily blew our orginal honeymoon plans away. Fortunately our super duper travel agent found a just as wonderful alternate trip. I'm fuzzy on the details but it's some place in Mexico with a beach.

Matt and I met with Dr. Chen the medical oncologist. He was able to ease a some of my many anixities. I will probably need a chemo. Knowing that Matt and I were really wondering if I'd be able to handel this semester's grad school load. Dr. Chen left me feeling like I might just be able to handle this semester. He also confirmed that I may loose my hair :-(.

Wedding count down is t-2 days and counting~

Monday, July 18


Matt & I met with the doctor who removed my lymph node today. While he wasn't able to answer all of our questions he did mention that he thought that I have phase two hodgkins. (On the scale of one to four, four being the worst- 2 makes me pretty happy). The doctor believes that I will have about four months of treatment (chemo).

After the apointment we talked with people in billing, and at my insurance company. I have my medical coverage through the University of Illinois in Chicago (the school I have been attending). If I drop my classes once the semester starts, pay student fees, and a 10% of my tution for that semester I will be able to keep my health insurance. In additon to keeping my health insurance, the insurance will cover 100% of my treatment costs. !!!

As I read more and more accounts of cancer survivors and how long they feel crappy before they get a diagnoisis, I feel very blessed to have had this discovered so early. As many of you know I was in a van wreck on a mission trip that led us to discovering a mass in my chest, I know now that the wreck certainly was not an accident. We're blessed because my insurance will cover the costs. We're blesssed because by the end of the week we'll be surrounded by our family and closest friends and celebrate our marriage!

Thanks for your continued prayers!

Thursday, July 14


The surgon finally returned from his extended vacation, and I recieved the lab results on the lymph node that was removed from my neck. I have Adult Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Also called Hodgkin's Disease). Which according to the E.R. doctor in Applaichia, is highly treatable and good if we catch this early. I've found the Lymphoma Information Network website to be quite helpful. ( ) it states:

"The fact is that lymphoma treatments have gotten quite good in the last 30 years with real treatment breakthroughs in the last 10 years (and in the case of some non-Hodgkin's lymphomas treatments that are just recently developed). So the operative words are "do not panic".

I am still uncertain about details concerning my prognosis, but those will come in time.

Thanks for everyones continued thoughts and prayers in what has been a rather long wait. Those good vibrations will definately be called upon in the future.

I'll continue to update everyone via the blogg with future news.

LOVE-- Meg

Tuesday, July 12

hey gang!

Matt & I have been getting lots of calls and notes filled with 'warm fuzzies.' Thanks!
There is no news to report on the lymph node front. For now I think that perhaps no news is good news. We were told that we could have had results by last week, not having them by now is fustrateing. It was also my excuse for buying (& eating) a tube of pre-made cookie dough.

In more fun news, wedding stuff has been coming along swimmingly.
As my niece, and well rehersed flower girl, Raya reminded me today-- 'Aunt Meg, it's only 11 more days'-- which sounds soo cute in her South Carolina accent.

Tomorrow I open at starbucks - 4:45 a.m. never looked so good! Meet with Lynn Pries - the clergy who is marring us. The best part will be meeting up with Matt's uncle Steve tomorrow night and taking him to Greek Town. OPA!

Saturday, July 9


Greetings All!

This is where I'll be updating all wedding / fun health information for everyone as things progress.

Thus far I have had a lymph node removed from my neck, as a response to Ursula ( the baseball sized lump, suspected lymph node above my heart). July 1st was the surgery, last night the 8th Matt and I had the 'best friday night ever' as the incision site swelled up to appear as if I was growing a second head. After 9 to 10 hours in the hospital, 6 doctors, and 2 nurses, I went home with nothing done. Yes, it appears as if I am indeed growing a second head it's name will be Peg. Actually their is just fluid collecting where the node was as a result of some poor stitching up from the surgon. The 6 doctors assured me that it is not infected, and that if my body doesn't absorb the fluid then they will drain it week of the wedding.

Other wise the pathology report has not returned and Ursula and my other possibly enlarged nodes have not been diagnoised.

Agian thanks for all prayers and good vibrations, they're the best!

Big LOVE- Megs