Wednesday, August 3

Bone Marrow Biopsy & Ways to HELP OUT!

Today Matt and I returned to Dr. Chen's office for the first time post honeymoon for a bone marrow biopsy. This is a test where doctors take a very wide and long neddle insert it into one's hip bones, take a sample of marrow and samples of bone from both the left and right side. This is an in office procedure that took about a half an hour. They gave me demerol and a local anestic near the two 'insisions'. By far this was the most 'uncomfortable' of the tests thus far, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it sounds (pain killers are a wonderful thing).

New information that we've recieved would include that after a EKG, X-ray, and a Muggel test (I know it's not really called that, but I like the way this one sounds best) I will probably start Chemo Friday next week. (WOAH).

In other cancer related news I got my hair chopped off last night. I love my new hair cut (I'll try to post photos of this too), but I will need to get it cut shorter once again pre-falling out.

Again thanks to all who have offered support and help. The following is a list of possible ways you can lend a hand (if interested respond to the post):

Help we could use

  • PRAY!
  • Fun Mail- Please, save our mail box from the boredom of bills. Cool & Weird postcards are the best! Be creative! Please avoid the typical get well card's. (contact us if you’ve lost our mailing address).
  • Grocery runs- in the same line with cleaning, between jobs, doctors appointments, and just feeling yucky it’s happening on a meal by meal basis.
  • Rides- We’re happy to be a one car family, but we don’t want Matt to miss work for the not as important stuff- so rides occasionally would be great.
  • Cleaning our apartment- not that our place has ever been spotless, but vacuuming, dishes, cat box, and dusting have not been on the top of our list.
  • Chemo Party teams-- We haven’t quite figured out what Chemo will look like, but from what we’ve heard it will be a couple hours of being connected to a tube. So rather than twiddling thumbs we’ve decided to make it fun and game (themes will be announced by the ‘team captain’).


Laura said...

Princess~ Love what you've done with the joint! I can't wait to see the new do. You and Sweetie will be heavy matching. Have you thought about outrageous wigs? I think you would be a hottie red-head. It'd be like your honey married a new girl every night of the week. Food for thought. Love you and be safe in all you do. ~Ferg

Andrew said...

I take orders very well- so consider you "help" items taken into consideration and done!

So glad to hear that the honeymoon went well.

If you need me to come up for a few days and help out- it would be my pleasure! Fall is the one season I have not experienced in Chicago yet!

You are already in my thoughts and prayers!

BTW- if all you hair does fall out I say we get some behive wigs and get our pictures taken together-- what fun!!! I want a blue wig and look like marge simpson- would I have to shave off my go-tee.

AnnaMarie said...


I'm very glad to see how you're looking toward chemo & planning ways to improve it- most people don't realize that chemo is the BEGINNING of the battle, and by looking at it the way you are, you've got the upper hand!

I like Laura's idea about the wigs, that'd make it interesting!

I'm a little too far away to help with cleaning, & a little too hazardous to drive anyone ANYWHERE :) but I will, of course, be praying, and...


Keep the faith, Meg!


amber said...

Hey, guys!
I'll try to come up for a weekend in November or January, if that works and do whatever you need.
Crazy mail? Especially postcards - I can certainly handle that one!


the muse said...

Megs! I can't wait to see the new 'do. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you - and in the meantime watch your mailbox (silly cards are one of my specialities).

Anonymous said...

Hey Meg!

OK, now of course knowing my resources and being in your neighborhood, all of the above are possible!

so maybe me and some others can make up a schedule or i can just have certain days to come and clean and pickup groceries, ya know something like that. and the rides, also, call or email or or send brain waves my way. ummmm, the chemo parties, i'm down! and the themes are a great idea.

meg, you're amazing! i agree with annamarie's comment, wow, you've totally started an optomistic journey!

do you want to have a circle of love meeting with the locals to discuss a schedule of sorts??!!- look at me gettin' all organized!

and, if you'd like, i can recruit classmates?

much love-

Heather said...

In order to leave a comment on Amber's blog site, I had to create my own. So, if you want to see updates on me and some of my random thoughts, visit Will hopefully become more entertaining as time goes by.

Oh, and expect some fun stuff soon!

Thanks for the b-day card!

Heather said...

I got the iPod from my parents, and no, I'm not in the "zone." I just fiddle with it sometimes. It's fun and will be handy, but I'm not going to take it apart to see how it works or read the manual to figure out every function. I'm not a techie!