Saturday, August 27

Candy Land

Yesterday was a chemo day. This time was the maiden voyage for my port, and much smoother sailing all around. Ed & Julie Turner from the church joined us, and we had a great deal of fun. They brought Candy Land for us to play. I've not made my rounds through the color coated board in a long time, so Julie and Matt both trumped me (I’ll get you Plumpy and your sugared plums too!). All of the nurses were amused, and at one point we were so lound (who ME? loud never) they shut our hospital room doors- so we wouldn't distrub the other patients.

Once Matt and I returned home I promptly fell asleep on the couch, while Mr. Krings became a lean mean laundry machine. I woke up in time to listen to our favorite NPR show This American Life and fold towels. This was our exciting Friday night on Chemo. On the agenda for today, picking up our co-op produce and maybe yoga at Glida's Club-- and lots more napping.

Big thanks to Ed and Julie for a fun chemo session on Friday!


Laura said...

Nap well, Princess. And then go kick some more butt!!!!

Meg said...

Don't worry mom, they let us keep the Candy land board for the next couple of treatments.

Anonymous said...

Geez Meg, The only game I seem to have to offer is poker. I suppose we could play for blood cels but mine are all dumb and you would have to have them educatred so I don't suppose it would do you any good anyway!!

the muse said...

Glad to hear things went well on Friday - you were in my thoughts all day. I'd be happy to loan you my "VH1 Pop-Up Video" game if you want it! And remember my offer of a friendly little game of Uno still stands.

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan!!!
It's Bonnie from First UMC. So glad to see you still have your humor!!! What would life be without laughter, huh??
Lots of LOVE,

AnnaMarie said...


Sounds like you guys had fun!

Oh, and by the way, I'm SO glad you found Gilda's Club! Isn't it a beautiful little place? I did some research on it after I read her book "It's Always Something!" and people who don't like reaching out anywhere else seem to like Gilda's Club.

Hey, what about playing "SORRY"? That game gets pretty heated 'round here! :-D