Thursday, August 11

Chemotherapy Starts Tomorrow!

About six years ago I embarked on a wonderful journey that took me half way across the globe for six months, and changed the way I will forever view the world. Today as I enjoy my last 'normal' day in the next six months, many of my questions and fears are similar to those I had when I departed Columbus, Ohio for Nairobi, Kenya. Questions like; What will I eat? What will things taste like? Who will I meet? Will they like me? What will it feel like? What will I look like? How will I change? Despite all the reading I did and all the pictures I saw nothing ever compared to the actual experience of being a college student in Africa. Similarly I know that all the reading and questions I've asked have helped me gather an idea of what this experience will be, nothing will compare to the experience.

Now that I have completed the several scans, tests, and shots I've finally received my full diagnosis. I have stage 2A Hodgkin’s (a really good prognosis). For the next six months I'll be going to chemo every other Friday. Dr. Chen is leaning towards me not having radiation (yah!). I'm told chemo will make me feel very fatigued especially the days immediately following treatment, and nausea is a common side effect (although it sounds like they've come a long way with the anti-nausea drugs). My taste may change, I'll probably loose my hair, I can't change the cat box (sorry cleo) or diapers, I can't drink, I need to avoid sick people and children. BUT I've always kinda wondered what my scalp looks like (and it's not forever), and through this I get to embark on journey (not as exciting as going to Africa) but a journey that will leave an even bigger impact upon who I am, for the better.

I'll try to blog on Sunday, and fill everyone in on all the juice details on what chemo is 'really' like. In the mean time this weeks chemo party consists of Ma-in-law extraordinaire Kathy (seriously, she's great) and Kratt Mings Chinese Super Spy- should be a good time. Much Love-- Megs!


amber said...

Can we just say that you are amazing?

Much love.

amber & mike

Anonymous said...

Megan, we are with you in every step you take through this maze you have embarked on. Just call for anything we can do.

On the lite side we want to see on your site the newest look in hat fashions. We know how creative you are...This could be a brand new adventure you could get finacial rewards from.

Jim & Francy

Heather said...

Your calm amazes me . . . always has. God knew what He was doing when He had us meet. He gave me the best example of pure faith I could have ever asked for. I know He'll reward such devotion.

He's always with you.


the muse said...

Megan, you are AMAZING. I would be running in circles freaking out right about now, but you? Calm. Blogging about it, even. WOW. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I found a great pattern to crochet you a funky hat, by the way...

Love, Dawn

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan! Tammy Noggle Shea here. I just want to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. As I read your made me laugh...just like the old times! hydra! Take care my friend...and congratulations on your marriage! May God continue to bless you richly!