Thursday, August 25

Schools In Session

Thanks for returning once again. Or, Welcome if this is your first time checking the site out.

This week classes resumed. It's my second and final year at UIC, upon completion in the Spring I'll graduate with a Masters in Social Work. This fall I'm be taking three classes that meet once a week. When not in class I'll be at my internship three days a week. I'm excited to get things started, but I’m always sad to see the summer coming to an end. As summer's go, I think I'm finally ready to write the best 'What I did on my summer vaction' paper ever.

Tomorrow is my second chemo treatment. Ed & Julie Turner parishoners at 1st UMC Arlington Heights, and fellow Cancer Ass Kickers will be joining us. They have partnered with us from the very beginning of this journey, and are great sources of strength and humor. I’m glad to have them on the team.

In other news. After four grueling Starbucks shifts, I've turned in my apron today. Sniff, Sniff. I wear out quickly, and I just couldn't keep up. It was a great experience. After I've defeated every single malignant cell in my body I'll consider returning. In the mean time I'll just have to get and line and pay full price for my Decaf Grande Vanilla Non Fat No Whip Stired Mocha.


AnnaMarie said...

Hey Meg!

Sorry it's taken so long to comment here, but i HAVE been reading, at least! Glad to hear you seem to be holding your own against the chemo- I KNEW you were tough!!!! Sorry about Starbucks... can't they give you discounts just, you know, BECAUSE? :) You should suggest that. :D


Laura said...

It's ok you left the "Evil S" - I promise. In fact, I did a little dance. Remember: It's EVIL!!! Not as evil as Wally, but still Evil. Feel Better? Good.