Friday, June 15

+.4 and holding

I waddled in to weigh- in again yesterday. I spoke with the leader about my endurance sport weight loss concerns. She said exactly what everyone else said—don’t worry about trying to loose weight right now, but focus on not gaining. In August post triathlon, focus on loosening the extra lbs. Phew—I was a little worried about what she would say.
I was also encouraged to realize that my healthy weight range (who determines that by the way?) is a lot closer than I had originally thought. So perhaps there is a change that I can be in that range prior to my b-day.

For the moment I’m putting the weight loss topic on hold, dear bloggers I'll find other things to say. But I will return to that topic post triathlon. Again, I am really enjoying training, and finding it far more enjoyable than the marathon (which I found healing and I also enjoyed).

This weekend’s open water swim is at some small man-made lake near Wisconsin. Hopefully it will be cleaner and warmer than the Great Lake in my front yard.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

the muse said...

How did the swim go this weekend? Hope you enjoyed it!