flannel sheets keep cold outside
cozy here i'll stay
A Chicago cancer survivor and vegetarian takes on endurance sports and the other distractions life provides. Then reports it all right back here.
In sad news, the first Krings-mas was called off on account of poor weather. We were looking forward to seeing family, eating, drinking, and making merry. Weather forcasts predicted death if one were to go to Milwaukee and attempt to return to Chicago a mere six to eight hours later. So Matt-illa and I stayed home and celebrated Krings-mas alone. While we were very sad not to be spending Krings-mas with the fam but we sure did get a lot done around the house. Essentially the first day of Krings-mas gave us the gift of time: one more day to pack, clean, chill, and sell things on Craig's list (no takers on that crock pot yet, darn!).
Chicago is in an icy abyss, and the depressed Bears fans cannot be avoided. We’ll be okay as long as Lake Michigan doesn’t become a quick moving glacier. Groundhog’s day promises spring, (depending upon who you’re favorite weather predicting rodent maybe). My top Earth rat is Buckeye Chuck, who did not see his shadow, so much to my relief an early spring is being called for.
I have spring fever. I believe that the perpetual state of anticipatory waiting for this crap to be over maybe the lesson that the Universe has been trying to teach me in this season of my life.
The hubby and I have been waffling on purchasing a condo. I kid you not, to date this is the hardest decision we’ve ever made together. (Stay tuned on that drama).
My temp gig is going well, but it’d be nice to be in a place with a little more security (not to mention benefits)!
So Nine A.M.- Noon, Monday send some good vibrations my way, or just cross your fingers!
It’s taken most of the folks I went to school with about six months to find a ‘real’ position after graduation—my six months is nearing a close, so I should be due to land something, but one never can tell.